


Seiichi Nakajima, padre del TPM. Fundador de JIPM Solutions
El Premio Nakajima (Nakajima Prize) fue creado hace 10 años para conmemorar la fundación de JIPM Solutions (ahora “TPM Company” de JMA Consultants Inc.). El premio honra a aquellas personalidades que han contribuido con resultados concretos al desarrollo de la industria, aplicando los pilares del Mantenimiento Productivo Total (TPM), tanto dentro como fuera de Japón. 

El "Nakajima Prize" fue un reconocimiento en vida a quien dedicó más de 50 años en el desarrollo del TPM; Seiichi Nakajima. A propósito del fallecimiento del Maestro Nakajima en abril de 2015. 

En particular, es preciso resaltar el mérito ostentado por los ganadores de este premio en el período que va desde el 2005 al 2008. Sin embargo, a partir del 2009 el premio se quedó sin beneficiarios. ¿Qué sucedió a partir de entonces? 

En ese año, el Comité de Selección del Premio Nakajima (Selection Committee for the Nakajima Prize), luego de una intensa e infructifera búsqueda en empresas de todos los continentes y del mismísimo Japón, publicó un comunicado honesto y tajante como el corte de un samurai: 

"El comité ha determinado que no existen beneficiarios elegibles. 
La decisión del comité se basó en la crisis financiera mundial y en el hecho de que en lugar de hacer contribuciones a la industria en general, todo el mundo ha estado ocupado centrándose en la supervivencia de su propia empresa. 
Esperamos que la selección de un receptor apropiado en años futuros. 
Gracias por su comprensión."
Sin embargo, hasta el momento no se han otorgado más premios. A diferencia del TPM Awards, el Nakajima Prize premia dedicación, compromiso y resultados, premia el líderazgo comprometido y con resultados para la empresa partiendo de las ideas del TPM. 

A continuación los merecedores del "Nakajima Prize" elegidos por el Comité de Selección:

JMAC TPM Company

2008 Nakajima Prize Winner

Mr. Ger G. Bemer
Managing Director/CEO
Royal Nedalco

Ger Bemer was born in Maastricht, the Netherlands in 1949.He studied Chemical Engineering at Eindhoven and Delft Universities and thereafter joined Unilever's food business in 1979. He has since held various positions in R&D, Supply Chain and General Management in the Netherlands, Kenya and Brazil. He was responsible for introducing TPM in Unilever's Ice Cream and Frozen Food Business Europe from 1998 to 2001.In 2001 he joined Royal Nedalco as CEO. Royal Nedalco is Europe's second largest producer of natural ethyl alcohol which is an important ingredient for the beverage, food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and chemical industry. TPM was introduced in Nedalco in 2002. Nedalco is part of the food and food ingredients group Cosun and TPM has subsequently been introduced in all five companies belonging to the Cosun group.

2007 Nakajima Prize Winners

Mr. Rajesh Parim
Principal Counselor, TPM Club India,
Confederation of Indian Industry

TPM Club India was founded in 1998 and since then Rajesh Parim has dedicated all his efforts to advocate TPM in Indian industries. His responsibilities include the management of the club activities, organizing conferences/seminars and promotional events.
Mr. Jean Louis Muller
Senior Division Manager, Hot Rolling & Finishing Operations,
ArcelorMittal Indiana Harbor

Jean Muller started his TPM experience at the Mouzon plant in France which won the TPM Award in 1999. Since then he has been head of TPM implementation at several plants and the activities influenced among other plants. At the present he is responsible for the development of TPM at plants in the USA.

2006 Nakajima Prize Winners

Mr. John Loftus
Mr. Loftus has been active in TPM interpretation since 1995. He has served as an interpreter to TPM consultants and instructors in 17 countries for consulting visits, training courses, TPM Awards Assessments and conferences. He has also many translated and published books on TPM and other Japanese management issues.
Ms. Kay Miyoshi
Ms. Miyoshi has been involved in TPM interpretation since 1991. She has been active in TPM Awards Assessments and consulting visits of TPM consultants in more than 60 factories in Europe and Asia. In addition to these visits, she has also been active in interpreting at TPM conferences in Europe.

2005 Nakajima Prize Winners

Mr. Uttam Kumar Chatterjee
Director of Quality Assurance
at Unilever Asia

Uttam Chatterjee is responsible for the development of TPM in Asia, particularly India. He has contributed regionally to self assessment and planning horizontal deployment of TPM
Mr. Henk Eertink
TPM Director at Unilever Europe

Henk Eertink has been contributing to TPM development at Unilever Europe for many years.
He supervised the implementation of TPM with 6 regional TPM coordinators for all of Europe

Radical Management / Noticias

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